Northeast Ohio Auto Dealer Association (NOADA) - Akron, Ohio

The Build Breakdown

The Northeast Ohio Auto Dealers Association (NOADA) came to us looking for a website that would help both its dealer members and BMV customers obtain information. They also wanted to make sure that this website could highlight their Dealer partners as well as explain the benefits of becoming a member for member prospects. Through an in-depth process of discovery and one on one consultation, we were able to build them a website that reached all of their goals.


Dealer Member’s Showcased

The Northeast Ohio Auto Dealer Association takes great pride in its members so we knew that we needed to showcase them on the website. Plumbum Content Creation did this by including a gallery of each of the member’s logos.

Anyone who is a consumer visiting the website can now see the dealer logos and know which local Dealers are a part of the association. This helps the Dealers build trust with the Consumer visitors and helps the association build value with their memberships.


Dealer and Consumer Areas

One of the unique things about NOADA is the fact that it services both Dealers and Consumers. The association has a host of benefits for the Dealers and its BMV service helps Consumers.

These two target audiences needed their own areas in order to get the information they need. In that, we created two fully functional areas that their visitors could go to depending on their needs.

Each area has a group of different pages directed at the information they need. There is also the navigation included at the bottom which will allow persons to email, call, or get directions to the Association’s headquarters in Akron, Ohio.


Membership Benefits Area

One of the biggest revenue streams for NOADA is gaining Memberships. PlumBum Content Creation wanted to make sure that it was highlighting these benefits and helping NOADA convert visitors into Members.

We were able to dedicate an area on the Home page to highlight these basic benefits as well as an entire page centered around these things.

It was our goal to show the dedication the Association has towards its Members while building trust amongst its future prospects. The text that was used was also focused on helping the page rank on Google through SEO.


Other Cool Things

NOADA was a very unique business in the fact that it was both a B2C and B2B business. Therefore we knew we had to create a design that helped NOADA achieve its goals for both. PlumBum Content Creation helped NOADA keep its Clients and Members in the loop by adding both a blog and newsletter sign-up section on their webpage.

  • Clients and prospects alike can now sign up to receive regular updates and newsletters from the organization through the sign up portal on the homepage.

  • It was important to NOADA to add a blog feature that would allow the organization to update it’s Members and it’s Customers about important and insider information. PlumBum Content Creation was able to add a blog to help them do just that.


Disclaimer* Our clients own the right to edit their websites as they please. Some of their edits may not reflect the original design that PlumBum Content Creation created for them. Please ask us directly if you have any questions about their website.